100 Yoga on the Go classes!
Jul 26, 2024Hello! I'm so happy to see you! If you are new here, welcome to Lessons with Lynn, thanks for being here! If you are returning, I'm so glad you came back for more!
This morning (Oct. 21, 2023), I was preparing for our Saturday YOGA on the GO class. I pulled out my cue cards to write down a few notes for the class. I glanced at all my cue cards from all the previous classes I designed over the last year. (picture below).
I was shocked when I realized how many classes I have designed already, then started to think how many I have taught over the last 10 months since I started YOGA on the GO… When I was certified last November, my instructor had given us a challenge. She told us that we should go out and teach our first 100 classes. ONE HUNDRED classes? Was she kidding? It seemed impossible to me at the time. Especially because I had no intention of teaching when I set out on the path of certification.
She said it took 100 classes to gain enough experience and feedback to know if this is something we wanted to continue doing.
She KNEW. She knew that if we didn’t have that goal or something to strive for, it would be so EASY to quit. So easy to give up especially when it gets hard and challenging. So many doubts when you first start (insert anything) teaching yoga :
- maybe I design a class and nobody shows up
- maybe my explanations are not clear
- maybe the class doesn’t feel as good as I wanted to make it
- maybe I am too old
- maybe I am not good enough
- maybe the moves are too hard
- maybe the moves are too easy
- maybe my students won’t like me
- maybe my students don’t like the shapes or postures
- maybe the ZOOM link won’t work
- maybe the videos will be choppy or not as clear as I want them to be
- and the questioning goes on and on…
THE DOUBTING! It's always there - isn’t it?
By aiming to teach 100 classes, she KNEW we would get through some or all the above and then - AND THEN truly know if this is something we want to keep doing.
Well, I am here to tell you… ALL of the above sort of" happened in some way shape or form through those first 100 classes.
AND I AM also here to say: I don’t remember truly ever taking on something that I enjoy doing so much and can see myself doing for many, many years to come!
Let me make it very clear… I LOVE the class design, I LOVE teaching the classes, seeing students show-up AND most of all seeing how many students seem to really like the benefits they are experiencing (on and off the mat). They feel stronger, calmer and more confident that they too can do things that maybe doesn’t feel easy at first.
When I hear students say they can move a little more freely, feel less pain in their joints, can do things they couldn’t before, that is THE goal. Some have shared that they thought of one of our classes when going through a challenging moment in their lives and it helped them deal with the difficult situation off the mat. THAT to me, makes all the "not so fun" things about running a YOGA studio worth it.
Now, for the truth… some things I really could and wish I didn’t have to deal with… the MARKETING - the FINANCES - AND I can barely say it out loud the SOCIAL MEDIA stuff…
Yet, I would do it over and over again - all of it - to have so many of you as part of this journey with me!
This is to celebrate ALL of us for doing the thing, trying things and letting the doubts go out the window!!! ONE HUNDRED + classes - that is what I’ve done in less than 10 months.
Thank YOU!
Lynn xo